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Whittemore-Durgin Stained Glass Supplies
825 Market St., Rockland MA 02370
Phone: 781-871-1790  Toll-free: 800-262-1790
Stained glass supplies, art and architectural glass, and so much more.
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There are basically two methods for creating mosaics: indirect or direct. With the indirect method, you place your little tile or glass pieces upside down, in reverse pattern, onto a sticky, removable base material such as Con-Tact paper. You place this design into a mold, such as a stepping stone mold, and then pour your cement into the mold, completely covering your design. Once the cement is dry, you remove the cast item from the mold, and remove the temporary base material to reveal the mosaic, right side up. With the direct method, tiles or pieces of glass are directly fixed top side up onto a base or substrate, and then grouted. Here we offer everything you need to get started in mosaics. Coaster and stepping stone molds, cement, grout, colorants, tools, patterns, books, even broken glass (in case you didn't have enough already).

Mosaic Kits
Mosaic Kits

These kits have everything you need to dive right in and learn to create mosaics! Depending on the kit, they contain some or all of the materials needed to make a variety of mosaic creations.

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Cement, Grout and Colorants
Cement, Grout and Colorants

All the gunk that holds your mosaic together.

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Mosaic Tools
Mosaic Tools

A selection of tools for the mosaic and tile artist.

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Glass for Mosaics
Glass for Mosaics

Assortments of scrap cathedral, opalescent and some antique glass in many colors.

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